

[highlight bgcolor=”#3fb0e7″ text_color=”#ffffff” type=”highlight1″]Parameters for the Dropcaps[/highlight]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]
[list icon=”fa-angle-right” color=”#81d742″]
Dropcaps Type: Theme have 3 different types of dropcaps
Dropcap Text: Type the letter you want to display as Dropcap
Dropcap Color: Use Predefined Color for the Dropcap Background
Dropcap BG Color: Choose your desired color for the Dropcap Background
Dropcap Text Color: Choose your desired color for the Dropcap Text
[divider style=”thin” margin=”30px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]

[dropcap type=”dropcap1″ text_color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#3fb0e7″ letter=”N”]Iidunt quisque tristique. This is underlined text. Sollicitudin eros sapien, ultrices primis. This is Emphasized text volutpat tempor tur duis mattis dapibus, felis amet faucibus.
[dropcap type=”dropcap2″ text_color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#3fb0e7″ letter=”N”]Cras dignissim blandit ligula rutrum posuere. Sed ultrices velit laoreet nibh tincidunt, ut blandit lorem tristique. Fusce et purus sit amet nisi tristique feugiat ultrices quis magna.
[dropcap type=”dropcap3″ text_color=”#3fb0e7″ letter=”A”]Cras dignissim blandit ligula rutrum posuere. Sed ultrices velit laoreet nibh tincidunt, ut blandit lorem tristique. Fusce et purus sit amet nisi tristique feugiat ultrices quis magna.
[divider style=”dashed” margin=”30px 0″ bordercolor=”#b7b7b7″]


[highlight bgcolor=”#3fb0e7″ text_color=”#ffffff” type=”highlight1″]Parameters for the Dropcaps[/highlight]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]
[list icon=”fa-angle-right” color=”#81d742″]
Size: Ampersand font size
Color: Ampersand color.
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]

Support that goes above [fancy_ampersand size=”24px” color=”#3B3B3B”] beyond.
[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]
Get The Code:
[demo_space height=”20px”]

[fancy_ampersand size="24px" color="#3B3B3B"]

[divider style=”dashed” margin=”30px 0″ bordercolor=”#b7b7b7″]


[highlight bgcolor=”#3fb0e7″ text_color=”#ffffff” type=”highlight1″]Parameters for the Dropcaps[/highlight]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]
[list icon=”fa-angle-right” color=”#81d742″]
Highlight Types: Choose the color you want to display for the highlight background.
BG Color: Select BG Color Highlight Text
Text Color: Select Color Highlight Text
Highlight Text: Type the text you wish to display as highlight.
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]


[demo_space height=”10px”]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[highlight bgcolor=”#eeee22″ text_color=”#725151″ type=”highlight1″ ]Highlight Text 1[/highlight]Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras mattis aliquet leo. Phasellus quis ante non lacus sollicitudin laoreet nec quis quam. Vestibulum tristique ante dolor, ut lobortis nisl tempor varius. Pellentesque congue sapien id ante sagittis ornare. Donec sapien diam, vehicula non leo eget, pellentesque viverra ligula. Donec tincidunt tristique ante dolor, elementum dui nec hendrerit.[highlight bgcolor=”#eeee22″ text_color=”#725151″ type=”highlight1″ ]Highlight Text 1[/highlight] Fusce mattis lorem odio. Vestibulum et augue quis dolor faucibus tempor a ut lectus. Morbi ultricies eleifend lacinia.

[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]

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[demo_space height=”20px”]

[highlight bgcolor="#26A289" textcolor="#ffffff"]Content Here...[/highlight]

[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]


[demo_space height=”10px”]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [highlight text_color=”#ff0000″ type=”highlight2″ ]Highlight Text 2[/highlight] Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras mattis aliquet leo. Phasellus quis ante non lacus sollicitudin laoreet nec quis quam. Vestibulum tristique ante dolor, ut lobortis nisl tempor varius. Pellentesque congue sapien id ante sagittis ornare. Donec sapien diam, vehicula non leo eget, pellentesque viverra ligula. Donec tincidunt tristique ante dolor, elementum dui nec hendrerit. [highlight text_color=”#ff0000″ type=”highlight2″ ]Highlight Text 2[/highlight] Fusce mattis lorem odio. Vestibulum et augue quis dolor faucibus tempor a ut lectus. Morbi ultricies eleifend lacinia.

[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]
Get The Code:
[demo_space height=”20px”]

[highlight2 textcolor="#ffffff"]Content Here...[/highlight2]

[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]
[divider style=”dashed” margin=”30px 0″ bordercolor=”#b7b7b7″]

[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px” bordercolor=”#dddddd”] [fancyheading heading=”h1″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fanch Heading H1″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]

[fancyheading heading=”h2″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H2″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h3″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H3″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h4″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H4″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h5″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H5″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h6″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H6″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]

[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px” bordercolor=”#dddddd”] [fancyheading heading=”h1″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fanch Heading H1″]A Short summary or description below heading.[/fancyheading]

[fancyheading heading=”h1″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H1″ heading_style=”border_heading” border_style=”solid” border_width=”2px 0 2px 0″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Small Description for the Heading[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h2″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H2″ heading_style=”border_heading” border_style=”solid” border_width=”2px 0 2px 0″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Small Description for the Heading[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h3″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H3″ heading_style=”border_heading” border_style=”solid” border_width=”2px 0 2px 0″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Small Description for the Heading[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h4″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H4″ heading_style=”border_heading” border_style=”solid” border_width=”2px 0 2px 0″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Small Description for the Heading[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h5″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H5″ heading_style=”border_heading” border_style=”solid” border_width=”2px 0 2px 0″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Small Description for the Heading[/fancyheading]
[fancyheading heading=”h6″ align=”textcenter” text=”Fancy Heading H6″ heading_style=”border_heading” border_style=”solid” border_width=”2px 0 2px 0″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Small Description for the Heading[/fancyheading]