Welcome to St. Luke’s! This page should give you the information you need to feel comfortable joining us for the first time.
Click here for St. Luke’s Re-Opening Plan.
Online Worship Services
Please click here for St. Luke’s Online Worship Page.
Please click here for more information about Worship Anew, an abbreviated online worship service.
Please click here for more information about Pastor’s Online Devotions.
Normal Service times
Saturday | 6:00 PM | Traditional |
Sunday | 8:30 AM | Traditional |
Sunday | 11:00 AM | Praise & Worship |
Communion is on the 1st and 3rd weekends of the month. (If the 1st is on a Sunday, it’s considered the 1st weekend of the month). Click here for more information about our understanding and practice of communion.
What to Expect
At our worship services, you’ll see infants and toddlers, children and youth, college students, young and mature adults, and elderly. You’ll see families, singles, couples, empty nesters, and even a few multi-generational families.
Our Traditional service has more suits, and our Praise & Worship service has more jeans, but you’ll see both at every service.
We have a Activity Bag for children located in the front lobby area (called a narthex). The bags include quiet games and coloring pages for children during the church service. After the service you can return the bags where you found them so that others can use them at the next service.
On Sundays, we have a Children’s Sermon followed by Children’s Church (for Preschoolers through 2nd grade) with dismissal just before the message.
Coffee is available during our fellowship time after the 8:30 AM service (about 9:30 AM).
Between the services on Sunday, we have our Educational hour (9:45-10:45 AM) which includes Sunday School and Adult Bible
What We Believe
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church is a Bible believing church. We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. We are a congregation in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Click here for a summary of what we believe.