Sermon Shortcode


[highlight bgcolor=”#1e73be” text_color=”#ffffff” type=”highlight1″]Parameters for the Accordion[/highlight]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]
[list icon=”fa-angle-right” color=”#81d742″]
Post ID: Enter the Locations Post-ID with comma separated if you wish to display more than one post
Sermon Posts Limit: Number of items to show per page
Sermon pagination: Check this if you want to show the pagination
[divider style=”thin” margin=”20px 0″ bordercolor=”#dddddd”]

[sermon limit=”1″ sermon_list=”ctc_sermon_speaker” sermon_cat=”bob-smithfield” pagination=”false”]


[sermon limit="1" sermon_list="ctc_sermon_speaker" sermon_cat="bob-smithfield" pagination="false"]