Outreach and Mission at St. Luke’s include thinking locally and globally, and everything in between.
Locally, we want to encourage you to invite, bring, sit next to, and process afterwards with your family and friends so that they can also experience God’s love in Christ for them at St. Luke’s.
We also want to encourage you to be on a team … and invite others to be on your team.
Through the year, Pastor teaches a class called Christianity and Lutheranism. This is the New member class that is also available for members that wish to refresh their understanding. For this class, pastor pulls from a variety of sources, including God Connect videos.
St. Luke’s also likes to support community organizations, like Shepherd’s Crossing and the Emergency Shelter, through door offerings.
Door offerings and a portion of our regular offerings are also collected and distributed to district, national, and global mission activities through our church body, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
The below links are to websites that provide individual training for outreach.