Our Youth Ministry, also known as “Rooted”, is broken down into 2 groups: Junior High (6th-8th graders) and Senior High (9th-12th graders). Each group has its own activities and also share some like at our Family Events. We are always inviting parents to chaperon events and we also invite our College Ministry called LMCS U @ KSU to help. There are many benefits to involving our college ministry in our youth ministry. It not only helps our youth see that there is a group for them in college but it also helps our college students gain leadership skills and helps prepare them to take leadership roles at their home churches.
Our youth are encouraged to participate in all aspects of church life at St. Luke’s. This includes but is not limited to: musical opportunities, ushering and greeting at services along with various volunteer opportunities. For our youth specifically we offer 3 involvement opportunities.
To contact our Youth Board about more information please email: rootedyouth@stlukeslutheranmanhattan.org
- Natalie Winter – Board Chair
- Scott Stone – Servant Events Sub-Chair
- Vacant – Events Sub-Chair
- Becky McQuillian – Gatherings Sub-Chair
- Natalie Winter – Youth Group Leader