Early Learning Center – Little Caesars Fundraiser

It’s Pizza!Pizza!® time!
It’s time for you, your friends, and your family to get your Little Caesars® Pizza Kits!
Have them on hand for quick dinners, parties or entertaining!
Help us raise money to go on FUN field trips!
Either you can order from an ELC student or staff member.  We may accept cash or checks made payable to:  St. Luke’s Early Learning Center
You may also order and pay online by credit or debit card:  Visa or Mastercard
  • Go to www.PizzaKit.com
  • Click on – “Products” then “Shop for Kits”
  • Select either – “Ship Order to the Group” or “Ship Order to Me” (via UPS for an additional fee)
Our Fundraiser ID# is 373979
Order form and payment due: Friday, November 4 (Late orders will NOT be accepted)
Time and Date of Pizza Kit Pickup:  Tuesday, November 19, 2:00-6:00 PM
Pickup will be at:  St. Luke’s Fellowship Hall (basement) at 330 Sunset Avenue  
Please pick up your Pizza Kits as soon as possible.
We are not responsible for any Kits remaining as we do not have  storage.  Remember, if the products thaw they can be refrozen.
Please feel free to call Laurie at 785-539-2604 or email at centerdirector@stlukesmanhattan.org with any questions. 
Thank you for your support and participation!