On October 30 Circuit 8 congregations of the Kansas District, The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, will host a Circuit Reformation Service, Sunday, October 30, 2:00 PM, at St. John Lutheran Church, 218 W. 2nd Street, Alma, Kansas. Proclaimer (Preacher) for the service is the Rev. Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Following the service and a short break, Rev. Dr. MacKenzie will give a presentation on the biblical doctrine of the two kingdoms – the kingdom of God and the kingdom of government – in which we live and the Christian’s responsibility in both. His presentation, followed by a question and answer session, is ten days before the national election. “We feel a presentation on the Scriptural doctrine of the two kingdoms in which we live is most appropriate and timely, since it is ten days before the national election,” Rev. Lawrence Boye, Circuit Visitor, says. “It is certainly timely, given the controversies surrounding this election. To be reminded of what our Christian responsibilities are in both kingdoms will be most helpful,” Boye says.
Rev. Dr. MacKenzie is chairman of the Department of Historical Theology at the Ft. Wayne seminary. Before joining the faculty in 1983, he served St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Detroit, Michigan, as pastor (1975-1983) and as headmaster of its school (1972-1983). Dr. MacKenzie received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Detroit, a Master of Arts in History from the University of Chicago, a Master of Arts in Classics from Wayne State University, a Master of Sacred Theology in New Testament from Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, and a Doctor of Philosophy in History from the University of Notre Dame. Dr. MacKenzie currently holds the Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Chair in German Reformation Studies.
“This is our circuit’s ‘kick-off’ event for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation celebration next year (2017). Our circuit’s goal for this celebration is “Celebration, Outreach and Education”. It is our desire that members of our congregations will bring unchurched friends and family members to these events. In our changing culture, very troublesome to many people, including Christians, we think it is important that people who are looking, searching, confused, and/or “lost” hear what the Bible says and Lutherans (Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod) confess in these areas. With Dr. MacKenzie’s presentation on the doctrine of the two kingdoms and the Christian’s responsibility in both, we think we are addressing one of the issues on the minds of people in our nation today. All are invited and encouraged to bring someone who has questions in this area to this event,” Rev. Boye says.
Congregations of Circuit 8 include St. John Lutheran Church (Alma), St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Alta Vista), St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Clarks Creek), St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Duluth) Immanuel Lutheran Church (Junction City), Christ Lutheran Church (Manhattan), St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (Manhattan), Trinity Lutheran Church (McFarland), Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church (Wamego), and St. Luke Lutheran Church (Wheaton).
Afer the presentation, the Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) will gather for a rally.