Youth Ministry
This is the primary youth fund raising activity, flamingo flocking! It runs for 10 days toward the end of June, this year our dates are June 18th-27th. The youth deliver plastic pink ($2 each), KSU & KU ($5 each) flamingos to homes, apartments or business. The receiver pays to have the birds removed or sent onto another location by St. Luke’s Youth. Anyone from the community is welcome join in the fun! What a great way to show people that they are LOVED! If you do get flocked or see our flocks around the neighborhood take pictures and share them with the hashtags #flocksoflove and #stlukesmanhattan.

To place an order online please click here.
Please support our youth and participate in this fundraiser!
For information, questions or to place an order please call/text 785-707-9274 or email
SCRIP is a gift card program where the youth buy gift cards at a discounted rate and the membership buys the card for full price and the youth get to pocket the rest. There cards are sold after each service and can be purchased at the church office during the week.
If you are a member of Thrivent you have what is called choice dollars, which can be given to any organization of your choice. If you want to give your choice dollars to St. Luke’s, please click here.
Early Learning Center
Do you shop online? Please consider signing up through Amazon to give the Early Learning Center 0.5% back. Just follow this link to complete the process.
If you are a member of Thrivent you have what is called choice dollars, which can be given to any organization of your choice. If you want to give your choice dollars to our Early Learning Center, please click here.
Box Tops for Education
Bring in your Box Tops for Education found on various products. Our Early Learning Center will earn $.10 for each one you bring in!
College Ministry
SCRIP is a gift card program where the youth buy gift cards at a discounted rate and the membership buys the card for full price and the youth get to pocket the rest. There cards are sold after each service and can be purchased at the church office during the week.
If you are a member of Thrivent you have what is called choice dollars, which can be given to any organization of your choice. If you want to give your choice dollars to LCMS U @ KSU, please click here.
St. Luke’s at Large
If you are a member of Thrivent you have what is called choice dollars, which can be given to any organization of your choice. If you want to give your choice dollars to St. Luke’s, please click here.
Endowment Fund
What is the St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund?
The Fund was authorized by the congregation in 2010.
The Purpose of the Fund is to receive gifts and bequests and to use them for the ministry of St. Luke’s and the ministry of the Missouri Synod.
No portion of the Fund shall be used for the annual operating budget.
Only the income from the Fund will be used thereby making this as everlasting gift.
How is the Fund administered?
A committee of five, four elected by the congregation, with the fifth being the treasurer of the congregation.
The Committee accepts the gift.
The Committee has the responsibility for investing the funds conservatively.
Grants from the Fund are recommended by the Committee to the Church Council.
How can I participate?
- Cash – individual cash gifts and memorials
- Property – Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate (There may be income tax advantage in doing so.)
- Life insurance – Give a paid up policy or designate a percentage of a new or existing policy as a benficiary.
- Payable on death account – Name the Endowment Fund as the beneficiary of your CD, savings account, or your stock or mutual fund account
- Retirement plans, IRA, Gift Annuity, Charitable Remaining Trust
How is the income used?
Opportunities within the congregation:
- Education – V.B.S., Sunday School, Preschool, B.A.S.I.C.
- Scholarship – Scholarships for full time church workers with priority going to first to congregational members
- Building and grounds
- Family counseling – To aid families in congregation with the cost of Christian counseling
- Youth programs – Youth retreats, counselor training, youth gathering scholarships
- Church music – Choir robes, special music programs, purchase music, bell choir
- Evangelism – Radio, TV, ads, training for evangelism
- Technology – Audio visual equipment, computers, sound system
- General – to be used for all of the above as need arises
Opportunities outside the congregation
This will be used for grants of ministry outside of the congregation such as World Missions, LCMS College, Seminaries and LCMS affiliated missions.
If you want to name a specific mission other than the above, your gift must be a minimum of $25,000.